Category Archives: Meteorology

Catherine Muller

Catherine Muller

Catherine Muller

After gaining a BSc in Environmental Science and an MSc in Applied Meteorology and Climatology at the University of Birmingham, Catherine Muller went on to complete a PhD in Atmospheric Science in 2008. She then moved to the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Leicester where she began work as the Education & Outreach Officer for the Earth Observation Science group at the Space Research Centre.

Catherine says “The education and outreach part of my job is mainly focused on developing the new and pioneering Space Academy programme, in conjunction with the National Space Centre, University of Nottingham, East Midlands Development Agency (EMDA), STEMNET and National Science Learning Centres.  As part of this project I will be working with secondary school teachers, leading academics, and industry experts to develop a series of high-quality masterclasses for key-stage 4 and 5 chemistry, biology, geography, environmental and applied science subjects, using ‘Space’ and ‘climate change’ themes as inspirational ‘hooks’ ”

Catherine also works as a Research Assistant within the EOS group and can answer most of your questions about studying: Physical Geography, Environmental Science, Atmospheric Science, Meteorology, Climatology, Earth Observation Science and many other related fields.